おはようございます。本日の新作は村田修原案、中央東口原画”HUNTERZOMBIE GUNSLINGER”と中央東口原案、村田修原画”HUNTERZOMBIE RISING”のTシャツ2種です。宜しくお願い致します。

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村田修原案、中央東口原画”HUNTERZOMBIE GUNSLINGER”と中央東口原案、村田修原画”HUNTERZOMBIE RISING”のTシャツ2種が新作になります。

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Cosa avrà in mente B^)
In attesa del terzo volume, non perdetevi 2 -

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Illustration I did for Fadzlishah Johanabas's 'Songbird' which will appear in Interzone 257 (March).

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So my Cyberpunk story is coming out in Interzone March 2015. And it has a cover illustration, yo!

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Fatelo sapere agli amici pomodorinosi. Tra poche ore l'episodio INEDITO: il 1°del terzo volume:PARADISO

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I've been to the today. Look at this fellow and his tomato:

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What d'ya think your looking at?

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