instead of doing inktober, i'm going to do as the name implied, Tetotober involves around me drawing Kasane Teto (and maybe other characters) wearing different outfits that i found all month. hopefully i finish this. wish me luck~

1 3

(late) Day 12 of

An offer you m̶u̶s̶t̶'̶n̶t̶ can't resist

33 71

Day 1, zombie & Day 2, dessert

tetoTober prompt by:

16 45

Day.3 Pumpkin patch(再掲

22 53

Day 3
Ignore the awfulness of the anatomy. It's hurting me to do one drawing a day D: hahahahaha.

24 68

Day 3, Pumpkin Patch & 4, Steampunk

most of these are gonna be messy sketches because I'm doing a lot of school works at the moment

Prompt list:

12 36

day 3 & 4
Steampunk and neon :3

She’s tiny and messy cuz the burnout is getting to me😭

50 184

day 6- color swap

71 369

Day 7
This will probably be the last of the days I participate, because I will be very busy unfortunately. That's why I tried my best to make it even better.

28 86

day 8: Chimera form! AKA the prompt I have been waiting for

56 120

day 8 and 9
Chimera form & outfit swap!
Swapped with one of kureiji Ollie’s outfits and my oc mixie’s outfit :D

66 226

day 11- outer space!

59 216