Me when my buildings keep getting destroyed in TF2

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Been a while since I painted anything, guess I'm going through an Engie phase now

1 5

『 When Soldier told Engie " I love you "
But he knew in advance. 😳 』

「 Engie.. I need to tell you Something.
「 * blush * I love you too.😳❤

『 And after that Soldier was very shy.』

11 25

What's he yelling at him for?
Probably going into the tele...

1 4

Mama Cowgineer wear Toriel outfit ( ͡°// ͜ʖ ͡°)
Hehehe " COW MOM "

5 17

OwO FA Helmetparty for
I hope u like it bro . They are adorable🥺🤏💕

6 37

Commission prize for @/sgt_scrimblo
If you are interested in commissionning me my DMs are open

7 30

I wanted to make it simple? how it was with sniper...

3 10