✨OMG!!! Les quito sus perlas a mis niñas Moroha y Setsuna... Me pregunto que es lo que pasará... YA NO AGUANTO MÁS LA INTRIGA!!! 😰💔💕
✨Será posible que por esa razón, Sesshomaru hablé con Setsuna y tal vez la ayude...🤔

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"We're going higher!" 🔥🔥
is one of the best opening ever! Thank you Sunrise for making
x collab possible! I feel so happy and proud being a NEWS fan and a Yashahime fan at the same time 💕✨

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🌟Awwww... Como amo y quiero mucho este FANART, del shipp que más quiero hasta ahora ❤(RIKU X TOWA)❤
🌟Para mí nunca parecerá una relación forzada, confío en que todo fluirá con naturalidad..
🌟Solo esperemos que nos seguirá contando esta historia... 💕❤

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for giving us the whole family in this episode, I’m forever grateful 😭😭😭😭😭 I need a lovey dovey family scene pls HUHUHUHU

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The beautiful family reunited. I love them so much that I had to draw them all together <3

La familia bonita reunida. Los amo tanto que tuve que dibujarlos a todos juntos <3

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Towa Higurashi
Anime : Hanyo no yashahime

terminé el trío dinámico, maravilloso. Bueno me ausentaré un tiempo en lo que termino algunos ships para el 14
nos vemos en 2 semanas🌟

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Meu casal é canon e quem não gostou que supere.😉

por trazer uma nova geração dessa nostalgia da nossa infância.

Arte digital realizada no PaintTool SAI.

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good episode!!😇🥳
Dear Sunrise:
Please allow these three beautiful girls to meet their parents.

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Moroha completly has our hearts! ❤Thank you so much for bringing her to us!Her parents are so important to us and she became the best part of them. Thank you!! Anxious to see them together again!


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I love this couple from many years ago. I've always wanted to see them as a couple. A canon couple. So for creating ! (Note: not my art. Found artist on the signature!).

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