Couple doodles from last night. Still figuring out color palettes for my characters.

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Drew Nell from yesterday for ! (even though I'm posting on Sunday)

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A day late, but Happy Halloween, everyone! Hope you got some tasty sweets or yummy treats.

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Late to the jokes but something something something yeah.

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Hatsune Milku... Hatsune Spiltku

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Been watching the Baby Yoda show. A pretty nice time.

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Still trying to learn how to draw characters consistently. It's hard lol

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Hey I'm Cole aka TheRailz, I do character illustrations/pin-ups, cartoons, and comics! I also do other stuff sometimes like making silly videos and writing.

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His name is Retch and he speaks via a text to speech device controlled by ghosts inside his stomach.

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Had a lot of fun when I did these two reimaginings, but never ended up doing more. Who would you wanna see another of?

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Quick to test out a brush for line work.

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Sera with a late Valentine's gift

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Nell casting spell haha wow that rhymes very clever

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Quick demon doodle. Idk why I drew her posed like this lmao

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