Hello ;)
my name is shadowmoon-rool🌜🍰
i love hero !! i love tokusatu !!👍
super hero is forever🤗✨
please get along with each other.

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Fun fact:
I love and watch almost every Sunday since I was a kid. 🤣

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More metal hero inspired heroes, an alien bounty hunter in and out of her armor.

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Godzilla is trending so I thought I'd post one of my favorites 😌

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Wanted to make an introduction to new peeps. Hi! You can just call me Yuri! Or Fie... I dare you or if you're feeling ballsy~ 😌

Anyways, I love the Kiseki series and JRPGs in general. I also love tokusatu, anime, and card games! (I'm not that good though >.>)

Nice to meet ya!

2 19

Going farther down the Robopon rabbit hole.. That alien from Robopon 2 is definitely Mars People from Metal Slug (or it's a popular alien design trope I'm not aware of) and these guys have to be some tokusatu or movie refs I don't immediately recognize... 🤔

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What is Tokusatsu? It roughly translates from Japanese to "special filming" and is a term for live action filming with a heavy use of special effects. Eiji Tsuburaya and Ishiro Honda of Godzilla and Ultraman fame spearheaded this style and helped define it.

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