I’m having a little to much fun drawing Tom 🧍‍♂️.

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if they ever make a live action adaptation can we please get this man as howl?

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you can actually grab a cat by the back of the neck(?

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"If dreams disappear, so will humanity"

Illustration dedicated to Morpheus from the series and comic created by
Make some versions with variations. I also added the coloring process.


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I found another Tom sturridge character to enjoy. Anatomy sucks ass but idc I still love this

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If you haven't watched 's on Netflix I honestly don't know what you're waiting for. It's awesome.

Pencil art on 200 g/m mixed media paper.

10 48

Se siente la turra que estoy dando con Sandman pero me he tirado +20 años esperando una adaptación digna y ahora he de purgar.
De todos modos tranquilxs que pronto daré la brasa con Rings of Power 🌟💍 Los unfollows de uno en uno, tnx.

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Rkgk Morpheus and his birb, Matthew from The Sandman.

This is from 4th Episode "A hope in Hell"

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I've always loved 's novel adaptations, and is really really good and soothing.
So fanart time !! 🙏💥

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dream, ensnared ⛓️🎐
quick study of morpheus from the sandman cuz im obsessed

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