Take your daughter to work day.

59 289

So much is happening in this scene I am not okay.

6 37

they're silly, dense and a huge crybaby and gets angry easily but that never diminishes their genuine love and passion for their beloveds. they're rowdy, spunky and always brings a smile to my face. muya's story is what I wished I saw when I was a young black kid watching toonami

0 3

as a kid, i used to rush to get home after school, saying that Thundercats was on Toonami at 4pm and i didn't want to miss it... but that was a lie. anyone who knew the Toonami schedule could tell you, Thundercats came on at 4:30. you know what DID come on at 4? https://t.co/q5KlQaYRmc

0 33

Every time you see a normie shounenbro make commentary on anime, or how majority of anime are made for incels, just ignore them. These dickheads only watch, what's available through censored versions of shows via Toonami & what's on Crunchyroll's top 10. https://t.co/h0z0okNlcR

4 18

Faputa is kinda cute... That until she goes into a murderous rage though! 💀

0 3

What’s your Mt. Rushmore of Toonami shows?

4 6

*"Shooting Stars" Plays In The Background* 🌠

1 1

And Smiley The Giant Muk Is Now On A Deadly Rampage! 💀💀💀

1 4

Love seeing the precious moments 🥰🥰.

17 55

Booty incoming! (your right that bottom is big)

2 3

listo para aparecer en toonami 😎
¿no se por que hice esto, había alguna razón?

"ready to appear on toonami B)
why did i do this? was there a reason?

5 32

Kagato, best husbando version from -has been my sleep paralysis demon since pioneer released this on VHS. Back in my day you hadda mail order your nonsense! Still- I’m happy toonami picked it up eventually so others could experience it <3

0 3

My Toonami fan-art submission 😏

339 2724

Let us wish a happy birthday to 🥳

Lending his famed voice to anime, on he was Ichigo Kurosaki (#Bleach), Yukio Okumura (#BlueExorcist), Jonathan Joestar (#JoJosBizarreAdventure), Orga Itsuka (#IronBloodedOrphans). Best wishes from Toonami Faithful!🎂🎁

59 279

And Fooly Cooly Just Went From Anime Back To Manga!


1 7