画質 高画質


1 8

Towa Shark! 凸(*>ωノ)

1725 10179

new followers
i have a discord where you can request doodles/proper commissions, check out updates for my works, sometimes listen to me whinge about genshin or something
(towa for distraction, link in comments)

1 13

This is surely seiso towa art

9 59

Holohammer 40k project no.2
Yvraine Akirose
I rush this art faster than any art I have ever done
So the detail might be bad cuz I wanna save time to draw new idea that I just got about towa and aki
But I hope u will like this

116 414

Towa's devilish prank😈

188 1204

常闇トワ/Tokoyami Towa👾

5086 44578

常闇トワ/Tokoyami Towa

3027 30612


44 190

常闇トワ/Tokoyami Towa

3193 28971

hello 🥺
i’m planning to open a pre-order for towa acrylic keychain but i want to know first if anyone is interest

what i can tell u is that the price may be around 180~200 THB and i will put them on my local online shop that has international shipping

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