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Heyo, I did some promotional work for the upcoming indie game Unmasked Truths!

You can learn more about their game and art contest at

132 1349

BLOODAXE FESTIVAL 2023 Full Lineup. 今回も全国各地から最高の国内勢に加えて、5年振り重鎮ALL OUT WAR、現在世界中フェスで話題沸騰中SPEEDそして昨年に続きタイWHISPERSの3バンドにPAIN OF TRUTH&SUNAMI豪華5バンド来日決定!

281 398

太田垣康男の「Get truth 太陽の牙ダグラム」を読んで作中に登場するビッグフットが欲しくなり、ダメ元で検索したら、9月発売で普通に予約できた。同じくミサイルマシマシのアイアンフットは、発売済みでクソの様なプレ値がついていた。

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One of the pieces I worked on for the amazing !!
Wanted to draw the moment when Gengar finds out the truth at the Hill of the Ancients, when the main characters visit Xatu for answers!

27 102

L3 + R3 Accept the Truth.

2334 18778

ツクールMZにて『STORY's』という作品群を制作してます、今は第1編chronicle of truth制作中です💡   

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The Four Noble Truths

4275 31655

【게임 이벤트 안내】

「SHUFFLE×미지의 성야와 나이트 헤드!」는 7월 2일 22:00에 종료됩니다.

7월 3일 정오 12:00에 【「Ruler’s Truth」 등장! 라이브 페스】가 시작됩니다!💗

자세한 안내는 공카 및 게임에서👇

85 169


33 122

The TRUTH behind Las Vegas UFO

221 1136

Im hoping that in truth, Suletta is loved very much. Prospera deserves to have her family back.

218 952

let your truth and reason be known

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But the truth is you've never mattered all that much to me,Jimmy.

172 725

Find a truth >> and rescue me //降志

98 581

We all must reflect on what is inside of us. Our thoughts and feelings might come from places we might not expect and we might not always be ready to face our inner truth. Before we judge others, we need to judge ourselves. Clarity will come but only once we've lifted that veil.

36 137

I'm just gonna drop this here because it's the truth...

And it speaks so many volumes.

178 802