i was bored and in again in the undertale modo sooo…take this doodle of chara =)

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Here he is
Chara my beloved, dressed as a pirate bc he can
I loved drawing the BG
Did u rike it?

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🍞 Omori × Undertale ❤
Clothes swapped between Basil w/ Asriel & Chara w/ Omori
Big fan of both of these games ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙

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Так,что бы не было вопросов:Фриск и Чара женаты,ждут ребенка. Фриск капризная мамочка,что хочет все и сразу а Чара будущий папочка,ахуевающий от запросов жены.

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Mischief managed
Two last psychos (or not?)
Inspired by

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