Oliver十周年倒计时12.16/12.21 30/35
白い椿 white camellia 白山茶
花语 language of flowers:至上の愛らしさ supreme loveliness
Art by :とりぬい

42 122

12.15/12.21 29/35
茉莉 Jasmine
花语 language of flowers:猜忌、成熟美、胆小、臆测 Suspicion mature beauty timidity conjecture.
Art by :二表哥

32 121

紫菀花 Aster tataricus L. f.
花语 language of flowers:回忆,追想
Art by :monosasa

50 190

白蔷薇Rosa ×alba Linn.
花语 language of flowers:思念 纯洁的爱情 Miss, pure love
Art by :AZ暗夜的漆黑魔法师

27 121

木棉花 Kapok
花语(language of flowers):英雄,爱情,希望(Hero, love,hope)
Art by : 余韶

43 170

缅栀子P. rubra L. cv. acutifolia
花语language of fwers:复活,新生,希望(Resurrection, rebirth, hope)
Art by : 北清箫

46 156

苺 strawberry
花语 language of flowers:尊重と愛情,esteem and love
Art by :瑛峰(仮) ( )

30 103

向日葵 Sunflowers
花语language of flowers:忠诚,沉默的爱。自信与阳光 Loyal, silent love. Confidence and sunshine
Art by :浦上白&顾墨辰

37 160

olii se me habia olvidadosubir este collab que hice con super cuqui de los ships de fukase y como me gustan los ships ploamorosos, este es demis favs el seeuxfukasexoliver asi que nada, disfrutenlo(?)

7 36

西兰花Brassica oleracea L.var.italic Planch.
花语(language of flowers):幸福健康(Happiness and health)
Art by :小浣熊()

72 268

12.1/12.21 15/35
不死鸟Mitrophyllum grande
花语language of flowers:一心一意,顽强,大吉大利Wholeheartedly, tenacious, good luck and good fortune
Art by :栉枢

57 189

锦带花 Oldfashioned Weigela
花语(language of flowers):前程似锦(Wish you a successful year)
Art by :QERO

56 167

Nymphaea tetragona
花语(language of flowers):洁净、纯真、妖艳(Clean, innocent and flirtatious)
Art by :樊棂牙( )

35 160

Птенец дрозда с загадочным советским именем Персовстрат - верный спутник Влада. Выглядит агрессивно, ест и пьет все, что дают. Летать не умеет.

13 81

Thymus mongolicus Ronn
花语(language of flowers):勇气、浪漫的爱(Courage, romantic love)
Art by :勃论螺旋(

52 159

little rubberhose Oliver while I'm getting the next video ready

8 42

桃花 (Peach blossom)
花语(language of flowers):收获爱情、美好祝福、珍惜美好(Harvest love, good wishes, cherish beauty)
Art by :小浣熊

47 182