Make me feel it, this "human love"... Turn this way... Won't you hold my hand?
based on a song by @/polycerateroyal (which also happens to be one of the songs i put on when i need good vibes, link below 👀)

24 56

cw: blood, guts, implied cannibalism
麺屋ぐろてすく ["Ramen Shop GROTESQUE"] - Utsu-P

13 28

cw: blood, scars, eye contact (?)

i finally finished this!! she's a dangerous lil flower <3

17 46

she is here and ready to cause chaos-

i really enjoyed working on this, i love v3's hair so much oh my god-

inspired by a tweet by @/hiroys_milkcafe !!

16 30

cw: blood, scars

tried experimenting with a colored lineart for this one!!! n e ways he's baby

10 25

cw: blood, scars, knives, mild eyestrain

rejection can be a bitch. <3

10 33

Finally a Miku with her original clothing! RT's are appreciated! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

6 35