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Colour version of The Idol's Lament. This was to test a new "tradigital" watercolour brush I made. This will make colouring trad. art much easier! 🌸

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watercolour/gouache -

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I just idly tried watercolor on ibispaintx. Didn't expect the results to be very good and beautiful😭❤️❤️ I also really enjoyed the process, very satisfying👍👍👍

Ps : idk what flower is that LOL cz I just randomly draw something in my head.

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*For SALE,as part of edge * original single flower 🌷 Lillie no121. Watercolour on arches paper 19 x 14 cm JDavies artworks 2021.
£200 with postage. Dm

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I just realised this watercolour artwork I did a year ago is the OG I'm starting to see a pattern here🍄

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messin with watercolour brushes (and drawing my boy erin again)

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[Fixed an error] Experimenting with an old watercolour illustration. Perhaps a tad cheesy but I enjoyed myself ~
Character, "Spook," belongs to me.

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Watercolours will never not scare me

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Day 19 Here’s a watercolour painting with some inspiration from Paul Klee.

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Stayed at home for a couple of days and tortured her watercolours and brushes a little bit!

I love to draw with watercolour, but I don’t have it at my uni dorm unfortunately
Anddd it’s not very cheap to buy x)

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gotta post art to let y'all know that i am an artist.
Some watercolour brush practice where i just decided to do everything except the circle bgs in one layer bcus i got nothing else to do.

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And so continues my 2021 in review. This time with the excellent Ink, watercolour and gouache.

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Aurelion made with watercolour pencils, this was hard, but i did it, next week you’ll see some holiday art.))

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It’s a bit late but chronic illness will do that to ya

I turned 13 on the 20th ….wait!

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I’m a multidisciplinary artist with everything from underwater photography to oil/watercolour paintings. You can find my work on and (please check my linktree)


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