
In the heart of a tropical jungle, Aqua bathes in the crystal-clear rivers and majestic waterfalls🌊
This beautiful aquatic paradise is disconnected from the rest of the world! 🌴
being able to enjoy this wild beauty sounds incredible, doesn't it?😉

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anime key visual of larry david playing his magic bagi in a medieval hobbit home, ornate, beautiful, atmosphere, vibe, mist, smoke, chimney, rain, spell - book, wet, pristine, puddles, dripping, drops, waterfall, clear stream, bridge, orange, green, stained glass, forest,...

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I'm still practising shadows and lights, I'm not an expert in backgrounds but we're making progress...
And as always, I love practising with my main Oc, so here he is bathing under a waterfall.🤭

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Waterfall, lit by candles, digital painting, artstation, concept art, craig mullins, breathtaking, 8 k resolution, extremely detailed, beautiful, establishing shot, artistic, hyperrealistic, octane render, cinematic lighting, dramatic lighting, masterpiece, light brazen,...

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GM friend,
Wellcome to my world. Let's meet my latest works.

Both still available on

2. Coffee under the sunset


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🌿 surrounded by waterfalls and everything lush, a moment’s rest need no request 🌿

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🌈💜🌊Cosmic Waterfall 🌊💜🌈 this piece is a favorite of mine that I’ve done. Just love how the liquid sparkles. 9/10 editions left! Link below ⬇️.

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🌈💜🎨”Cosmic Waterfall”🎨💜🌈 now available as editions! 10x at 1.00 xtz each. Link below!

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Meditating under the waterfall.

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Winter Falls, 122cm x 85cm, mixed media. On show now at the Doubtfire Gallery in Edinburgh.

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Mimosa's waterfall near coastal cliffs.
And the splendour has nature in moderation. Cascade above the head a not man-made! To inhale the redolence in the colour of honey.

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Happy Hollis’ dormant powers return to him in a sudden burst of energy and light.
Each year he journeys to his favorite waterfall as spring returns. He allows the powers to flow into and through him much like water
It always takes Row’s breath away.

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It's from 2 month ago. We thought we went to a hotspring but it turns out to be cold waterfall. Being bamboozled, we decided to go to the very top of the stream (there are many visitors and ... each upper stream has more, and we don't want that dirty... (down

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