画質 高画質


53 349


11 63

sorcery? i barely even know thee

18 56

more of em because oh my god their designs and lores?? MMhm some good food right there

2 27

(2/5)Luxien debut stream
Eyyyyyyyyy I mean Eyyyyyy
Just sing more you can sure do it
Also thanks for the space meme LOL

0 3

Shoe yamino 👟

Yes I gave up on the shoe 👁

2 5

congratulations on your debut!!!

28 167

闇ノ シュウくん、沢山ニコニコしててかわいいしかっこいいし日本語も話せて面白くてとっても魅力的です☺️

I'm looking forward to your future stream!✨ eyyyyy

(I was so affected by his song that it looked like this pose to me! Lol)

72 486

shu and rockhopper pengin!
isnt this the , surf's up penguin too btw
i'll draw him with a capybara or a minion next time

117 624

omeyyyyyydeyyyyytou on your debut!!!! 👟👟👟

188 685

shu yamino, but gru.

3 38

Chat mentioned this on stream and I can't get the image out of my head now... 🍌...

26 81