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Kyokai no Kanata x Kill la Kill

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More cute/scary animal yokai: the nodeppō!

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The hihi, a monkey-like yokai from ancient China.

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Nyuunaisuzume, a sparrow yokai that eats all of your food.

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Hiyoribō, a yokai who brings out the sun.

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Kanbarinyūdō, a yokai that spies on you using the toilet (but only on New Years Eve!)

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Amefuri-kozō, a yokai fit for a day like today.

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Ippondatara, a really weird one-legged yokai.

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Momonjii, a creepy old man yokai who assaults crying children.

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Amanojaku. This is not one of the cute, silly yokai.

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http://t.co/R7T5wmAlWb has risen! Im fortunate to have been asked to take part in it

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私が勝手にそう呼んでるだけですwwwこれ↓です〜 正式名称は知りませんがYokaiって呼ばれてますww

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Aosaginohi ~ Bringer of dreams. of blue fire.


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A-Yokai-A-Day is over, but that doesn't mean that I am finished painting yokai!

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このイラスト好き!→ 日本の妖怪を独自のテイストで描いたイラスト集「YŌKAI」がステキ!|Japaaan http://t.co/luxQIYGdPL

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Wheeee haven't done a pixel in so long. Here is a Yokai called Kyorinrin done for the compixellated on Tumbley.

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