this is still the hottest gintama official art
yorozuya just looks so beautiful

207 848

By the end of it all he gains everything back that he thought he had lost: the sensei who saved him from the carnage of the battlefield and the dear friend who at one point vowed to destroy the world. He also now had the Yorozuya made his life so much brighter.

4 59

Yorozuya and Shinsengumi official art

73 404

Gintama the Final - Et voilà... Après avoir commencé y'a 6 ans Gintama, aujourd'hui une page se tourne avec la fin de l'anime. Et quelle fin en apothéose. Très triste de quitter les Yorozuya et même Edo en général. Un manga/animé qui aura été d'une qualité irréprochable ❤❤❤.

1 4

Quick little Yorozuya colouring

35 183

Yorozuya Ginko-chan😖💓

112 429

Gintama the Final ✅

Who would've thought a series filled with dick jokes could be this emotional? As the long-awaited ending to the Yorozuya's journey, this finale literally couldn't have been any better. This movie truly captures everything this series was built up to be-

39 206

Aww missing my Yorozuya families😊 🤧😭 i just love how in gintama,the Yorozuya never let go their first family 🥺

67 392

Hello~ I'll be participating in at Yorozuya-san / よろずやさん circle (C-8) 🌸

PO will be open on the 9th - 18th july, feel free to make request on the form as well!! Art will be delivered on twitter during the event date (17th - 18th July) 🙇❤️

1 10

To celebrate the release of BFY 8 years ago.. how about some freshly served angst?

»He could spend the rest of their life with them.
He could.
But that was selfish.« ⬇️

26 114

A new page on the Gintama fansite, Yorozuya Shinigami is up now, featuring content from the Official Anime Guidebook of the 2015 season.

There are Q&A interviews for 20 different VA's from the cast, including Sugita, Nakai, Kugimiya and more. Enjoy! 🦍

30 111

who’s the cutest among the yorozuya and why is it kagura

26 122

yes it’s gintama official art! here’s the yorozuya one too :DD

24 140

Playing rock, paper, scissors with yorozuya

135 571

When Kagura is injured, Gintoki is on hair duty. Gin-chan tries his best...but what's that in Kagura's hair?!



310 763

b 4 ever yorozuya

18 102


62 345