I was able to post before the event ended! Here mi Peking Duck! 💖💖💖

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Color and render practice on CSP. Oh, and this is Kaho, my oc.✨

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Precious cinnamon roll! ✨I like how it turned out~!

Wasn't able to print her together with the other soooo next batch! 💖

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I made a Haikyuu food-themed washi tape and I'm excited about it coz it's also my first time making one! This will be available this coming Cosmania! I'll be consigning my stuff ✨

Please look forward to it~!

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This was long due and I just finished it just now ;;
Minako from Sailormoon! 💫💫💫

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Made a close-up layout of the pouch designs that I made! >////<; I’ll be debuting it this coming Cosmatsuri! 🙏🌟✨ Sorry for the spam guys;; I’m excited :))

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