
【第九話】 わかったよ…手伝うから…|YUI|pixivFANBOX https://t.co/GOuA4SOEde



1 62

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday dear yui!

62 1752


0 41

When life finds a way between Iori and Yui!
...was the idea, but it just looks like Yui cosplaying as Iori.

147 966

Zuikaku is a predecessor to the Takemikazuchi

The Takemikazuchi is the next evolution that was used in MLA and Yui's Takemikazuchi is used in TE

Zuikaku are used in Teito Moyu

0 0

Saber and Yui are trying to save Iori from himself

269 1581

New outfit for Yui! ✌️✌️

85 840

As we find out in the collab, Yui has a second NP!

107 599

Iori and Yui playing with a cat!
A major feature from Samurai Remnant! (1/2)

268 1598

Going through for a 2nd playthrough and my heart is in shambles. I was so gripped I couldn't fucking take a screenshot and had to scavenge around youtube for it

I love Yui, man

0 12

Samurai Remnant collab was great!
I liked how they handled Iori's character at the end.
Takeru was basically a heroine, lol.
RIP Yui's initial impression of her character.

243 1210

Yui trying her best to convince Iori there's more to life than just the sword.

481 2673

Yui Shousetsu has an important job in Chaldea, keeping Iori Miyamoto out of trouble (alive).

475 2956

cousin yui doodle

104 1265

Yui Shousetsu X Iori Miyamoto

174 1382

Iori x Yui again

249 1692

Miyamoto Iori X Yui Shousetsu

174 1306