more asoiaf x gk featuring white cloak yuusaku and wildling vasily
there is a very convoluted ogata centric plot forming in my brain

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Yuusaku me fait peur.

16 56 Anon asked for Ogata licking Yuusaku's armpit and I can't say no to that. Was truly in sicko mode while drawing this lmao

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help Ogata is so pale he looks like a ghost compared to Yuusaku😭😭😭😭

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He looks like this bc he knows nobody’s ever gonna satisfy him like Yuusaku did

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"hmm? that's not yuusaku at all"

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yuusaku, literally anything but i keep imagining him humping ogatas pillow ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ — He spent at least 20 minutes on foreplay sniffing it before finally giving up and just going to town hehe...

6 14

ogata & yuusaku

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TW: Blood

Guess who's late af again? Yes, it's me, your favorite king of procrastination.

3rd day: (Blood) Vessel

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CW: amputation, mindbreak

Fuckpuppy Yuusaku welcomes his dear Anisama home💘🥰

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Freehand of using HB and eraser. Darkened and tinted digitally.

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yuusaku dick piercing — I went a little overboard and made a little punk Yuusaku... Hehe... Count all his piercings and he'll suck you off <3

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⚠️CW Blood / Disturbing Themes⚠️ **NOT SHIP**
Joined at the Hip - Ogata & Yuusaku Fancomic
"There is something following you. There is something with a slice of your half-brother's face following you."
(pixiv/fic link below)

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Freehand of using HB and eraser. Darkened and tinted digitally.

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Tantei Monogatary old arts (2016-2017). When I was actively drawing Kuzan, I also watched this series. I really fell in love with Yuusaku Matsuda, prototype of Kuzan.

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