FF14 // was asked for a doodle commission of:

estinien in reaper gear, zenos fishing, and hythlo tank 🥰

155 586

2023 August poll winner issss

i decided on a mix of FFX Fayth/Aeons style
with his fayth entombed in the Royal Menagerie when he first fuses with Shinryu.

variant option below 🧵 👀

276 597

The young prince, Zenos yae Galvus, at the cusp of turning 15 after the unfortunate accident of his unwilling tutor's death. The Corvosi teacher, who had commendably lasted for a year, was soon forgotten like the rest.

[The Hunt Begins]

428 1285

betcha thought you saw the last of me lol
my third illust for our FC’s zine project with the infamous wine and dine scene with Zenos and Fandang— Fandandiel!!

follow our countdown at

263 712

was supposed to post it before i slept to say
“a mimir”
but i fell asleep and now it’s morning…
a minizenos mimir

44 145

emet rematerializing from the aetherial sea at a single sniff of zenoswol happening:

0 3


61 176

🔥New on 4/3🔥
When The Fur Flies (4)
by Zenosuke

Read it Here: https://t.co/7zypVXoSVk

25 543

24hr maintenance woes time to post zenoswol

128 449

If U see this QRT with 4 pics that expose your taste in men.

Nonohiko Kojama- My WoL(Oc)I love this boy to hell and back and will do anything for him

Vox Akuma- somehow the only vtuber to get me trapped in this rabbit hole of a community

Ardbert-I love you ardbert!

Zenos🙂 https://t.co/Oku3oCglo8

0 0


120 323

How i drew Zenos in
2017(8) vs. 2023
i cant recall if it was my first ever Zenos one but i do know it was for a zine..
(maybe this is why i haven’t been invited to one since then….)

125 582

wolzenos cmm for @ SummonerofNight !! thank you!

16 55

“Show me your vaunted fortitude!!”

When people started describing Nemona from ScarVi, this is the first thing that came to mind-

2 9