"[OC] A Fluffy Companion for Zenos" by Nirithaa

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Happy Friday! Now for the results of the sketch giveaway:
I rolled a 7!
1. Sanson
2. Haurchefant
3. Hien
4. Leviathan
5. Sidurgu
6. Aymeric
7. Zenos <------ Here he is!
8. Lyse
9. Ysale
10. Fray
11. Thancred

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Sometimes, all you need is something a little fluffy in your life.
(I hope he doesn’t stab it)

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Zenos with scars..? 🤔Work in progress

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Art of my WoL with Zenos in his Dissidia/5.2 outfit. I commissioned for this amazing art~

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Day2: swap
This is from my two tales about Zenosuke. Inosuke was an angel, and Zenitsu had sparrow wings. These tales must be read in order to understand this art ... Thats all...
(Ребята, это ужас. За молнии спасибо )

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it's actually part of the sixfanartchallenge but it's s birthday so I`m uploading it earlier 🥰
Happy Birthday, dear <3!

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sm1: why dont u draw zenos, arent u super gay for him
me crying: i cant draw white people

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Badly drawn XIV dragons addition: Shinryu.

Did you know this dipshit has two sets of eyes? I SURE AS FUCK DIDNT UNTIL TODAY BECAUSE THE WINDUP ONE DOESNT.

Anyway I love this asshole and unlike what my static likes to think it’s not because ‘I’m a Zenos fucker’

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i actually had to cut a mutual cuz they hated e-s and zenos but were 100% ready to accept gaius's ""redemption""

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Zenos but an actual monster and not a hypothetical one

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i haven't reached him yet (i'm still baby in arr) but... him.......
[ ]

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some of my favourite Zenos drawings ive made over the past few months 💛 i draw him so much yet i still struggle with his face every time haha

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Zenos becomes Shinryu. (Just an idea I had and wanted to paint.)🐉#FFXIV

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Heyy, I'm Nate and I love to draw ocs and snakes! Some wonderful artists to follow are and @/zenosynthetic !

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