

Artist with Nintendo fanart

I'm a great Nintendo-, RPG-, Xenoblade- & Zelda-Fan.

Pixiv: pixiv.net/en/users/97652…

フォロー数:5007 フォロワー数:3895

I draw cute Nintendo fanart (mostly for the Xenoblade series).^^

338 2597

Pyra (WIP)🔥❤️

Here is a WIP of my new project.
You will see this special Pyra on Valentine’s Day.
I hope you are looking forward to it.^^

13 62

Here are the other pictures:


2 12

II have drawn many pictures this month.🎨🖌️

I hope you like them and thank you all for your support this month.^^

I will do my best to draw more cute pictures in February.


8 40

Shiny welsh Meowth NIA🌳🐈✨🌳

The very rare version of this legendary Xenoblade Pokémon has appeared in front of you.^^

17 57

Dawn (WIP)^^

Here is a WIP of my new project.
It is the first Pokémon fanart I ever draw and I have a special idea for it.
I hope you are looking forward to it.^^

9 38

Happy 1st Fire Emblem Engage Anniversary!🥳

Celebrate this fantastic game today with the Divine Idol Dragon Alear!🐉🎤🎶

50 145