かぐや様は告らせたいのタグが付いたイラスト。 334ページ目

37617 件


9. Love is War Season 1, 9/10
A very wholesome anime that really made me feel warm when watching it. All the characters imo are pretty cool, and I especially love Kaguya and Miyuki and how they plan every step. I can see why people like it a lot :D

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Yo yo yo, tonight's stream was fucking amazing and a damn good way to celebrate all the good shit that's gone down recently!!!! Thanks to all the new followers and BEEEEG ups to and for the raids, y'all rock:):)

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I also haven't been doing this, but thank you everyone who's supported these past streamies! It means so much

Thank you to & for the bitties!
Thank you to , , , , & for the raids!! 😄

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