カスミ(ゼノブレイド)のタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

236 件



21 123


643 1888

That feeling when Rex is 15 and already got Pyra falling in love with him by chapter 5. Mythra close second. And then Fan cause why not.

Damn beaten by a 15 year old.

2 14


25 97

Writing proposal trying to get industry sponsors be like:

"Please give me money I swear I will prove useful to you😢"

0 13


41 229

here you go!! feel free to ask about any of them

0 1


10 41

卑弥呼きた記念に年末年始に描いたやつの卑弥呼おいときますね。みんなのとこに来たらいいな……(* ˘ ꒳ ˘ )

0 8


25 100

Happy Torna Anniversary day!! I adore this game with my entire being and I have drawn these characters the most. Nothing new for this year, so please enjoy some of my older art! ✨

192 612

ゼノブレイド2 黄金の国イーラ2周年! ここぞとばかりに過去作も上げとく😆皆やりたくなれーっ!

19 53

Thank you to for making that amazing Artwork from Haze from Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Check there Art out ^^

10 24

Thanks to for making that commission from Haze from Xenoblade 2.

0 6

Tagged by

: Post 4 fictional characters, that mean the world to you and tag 5 others.

0 6

I am feeling anxious again so here's a crying Haze gif. Enjoy 😘

19 105

Haze from xenoblade chronicles

Congrats to for winning the art raffle!

37 71


278 966

Ay, after playing through Xenoblade 2 again I got into the Torna DLC for the first time. Such a loveable cast of characters!

13 60


41 97




11 37

eh I guess I’ll do this

Tagged by

post 4 fictional female characters that mean the world to you and tag 5 people

I’m not gonna tag anyone but you can do it if you want, you know who you are.

0 3

Haze appreciation

Art made by @/ Ririko
@/ misu kasumi
@/ niameresp
@/ niameresp

16 97