ステラ・ホシイのタグが付いたイラスト。 13ページ目

408 件


They all laughed when I maxed out the Rescue Fairy
Sei in 2 Runs, Stella in 30

10 99


61 302

Stella is a Rifle. She attacks with her mini stellas, which attack once each (making it twice per shot), but each shot is 50% of her total damage in turn.
This is important because her passive gives her +50% crit on the next round if she attacks 16 times (effectively 8 times)

21 156

3/7 Done, Sei next. This will take months I'm sorry I can't work faster.

221 854

Late birthday drawing for !!!!!!!

4 26

As voted by everyone in the 'Drawing Poll'

Stella !~

36 153



1 3

VA-11 Hall-A ステラ落書き

70 252


0 5

VA-11 Hall-Aのステラさん
Happy Holidays!

255 795


4 5

Replaying , i'm so in love with all the characters ❤️ but Stella has to be my favorite alongisde Dorothy~ Con ganas de ver mas del nuevo proyecto de Sukeban Games 😊

17 77

休日にちまちま進めていたVA-11 Hall-Aクリア、雰囲気最高でした。大事件が起こっていても主人公が蚊帳の外で、ちょっと寂しいけど…そういうゲームじゃないから仕方なし。あくまでも酒をお出しするゲームなのだ

0 0

『VA-11 HALL-A ヴァルハラ』多分中盤くらいまで進行。

1 2

better late than never, amirite?

26 97


197 500

since i dont think i'm going to make it in time to finish this, have this stella wip for her birthday~ (i'll upload the final version next time with a certain 'gift')

25 144

I cannot believe I ALMOST forgot about her birthday
Happy Birthday auntie Stella!

131 391