ユンのタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

1496 件


Bientôt 15 Millions de copies en circulation dans le monde pour Akatsuki No Yona..

4 47

كل هذا في اسبوع واحد ياساتر ياميزوهو

3 19

I need to get back into watching this anime

2 10

I’m all caught up with Yona of the Dawn and all I can say is wow! Yona of the Dawn is an awesome series with a great plot, fun and intriguing characters and lots of action! If you like Fushigi Yugi, Inuyasha or One Piece, then you’re bound to like Yona of the Dawn! Overall, 9/10!

1 7

Personagens de Akayona e seus signos do zodíaco

- A thread

16 88

Gonna forget all the sad thing that happen rn and in my world Yona & all my loml is having blast & their everyday is fill with happiness 😭

24 110

When will we see them together again? I miss their moments as a group. 🥺

34 120

Akatskui no Yona is more adventure and romance; MC kinda has a reverse harem, but they're there because it's plot relevant and/or they have a futile crush. MC starts out bratty, but matures over the course of the series once the inciting incident happens. An epic fantasy drama.

0 1

Yes! I adore the manga so much! Got into it thanks to the anime and glad I did cause the manga is one of my favs! 💞

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Perfect Crimeの振付(反転ver)🕺


イラストだから細かいフリは描けてないけどᐡ ߹𖥦߹ ᐡ

368 1307


29 190

Im joining this trend ✨

3 10

Hilo de Personajes Favoritos del Anime y Manga

3 10

28. Akatsuki no Yona ❤️

0 1

gustos god, el manga de noragami es ínfimamente mejor que el anime por favor léanselo https://t.co/YWUw8fnPhW

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Vi que el cap 229 de Akayona generó un poco de revuelo así que voy a dar mi más sincera opinión sobre el mismo, este mini hilo va con spoilers

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families that have had a v big impact on me and shaped who i am today

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0 9

idc how many animangas i get into they are my first and favorite family fr i’ve been w them since middle school like akayona is so special to me

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