ユーリ(少女終末旅行)のタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

5280 件


" Post characters you relate to and let people make assumptions" https://t.co/atJxPuQ9PF

0 1

Chito y Yuuri

37 208

day 357: yuuri

haven't drawn her in a while

0 3

need to go back to doing colorings im still very proud of the stuff i colored

15 90

Not sure if there's a pattern here...

Anyway... any mutuals who see this feel free to join the chain!! (didn't wanna tag, as i'm too sleepy _(ˇωˇ」∠) ) https://t.co/SS4Lgz2OOd

0 3


0 0

Yuuri, Girls Last Tour

104 473


172 807


269 1270

Outer Wilds x GLT

This was a gift for someone I really treasure.

72 251


158 932

Yes, but I also sometimes think that Yuuri!

(I sometimes confuse their names, like Kanaka and Konata)

0 1