右代宮理御のタグが付いたイラスト。 2ページ目

666 件


Мем в рп, а я вам дам цвет, в котором вы должны твитнуть четырёх любимых персов

Мне дали желтый! Пфф! Полно любимых блондинчиков https://t.co/s5VFsKhlrD

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Тем временем любимые персонажи Руби она-предпочитает-брюнеток Баттлер https://t.co/aVYXXLehWv

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More creatura!! Also i'e inverted their arms, sad
Guess they'll have the ring on their right hand instead https://t.co/7PoUmeWwAl

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ep7 진입해서 드디어만낫음..

421 901

I'll play my Christmas VN, Umineko Kiseki...

As well as a VN based on Danganronpa Antebellum, Winter with Antebellum, made by Sugi on the discord!

Sunday, 2:00 pm EST, a VN double feature!

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"They're def not queer coded and lion is a must female bc i can't imagine them with a penis and living together with a sexy fruity detective"
kind of people piss me off in this fandom https://t.co/QH920QmNic

6 90

Secret Santa gift for ! It's a miniature visual novel! Umineko Kiseki: Miracles In A World Without Magic . It contains spoilers for all Umineko episodes!

You can find the download files (and all of the art) at this link: https://t.co/xtH7niqQMT

9 35

Winter Lion pfp for ❄️
A Lion to match Will… 🥹

14 47

U have two choices!

first: throw the baby off a cliff!
secondly: be a better human being and raise it.

U choose.

1 24

I feel like they would be a bit girly pop is just that😩💪

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Add howl and Sophia plus eribeato plus mh plus.... https://t.co/TTJVy3AAfg

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need more hair down Lion

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ㅠㅠ맨날 기력없어서 날먹만해..

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Enbies with S/he pronouns in bio

3 43

그래 전에 쓰괭페이트겹성우 어쩌구 트윗에 쓰는거 깜빡햇는데 리온 성우가 카와스미임
용기사랑 나스랑 절친인거 생각하면 누가봐도 오마쥬잖아
그래서 리온이 남장여자일수밖에없다고생각함나는.....
성별 물어볼때마다 웃으면서 글쎄요?ㅎㅎ 하는것도 걍 일부러 킹받게할라고 그러는것같애ㅅㅂ

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아무튼 남자는 아닌듯함

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눈씻고다시봐도 남장여자 맞잖아 x발

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용기사놈 진짜 사랑 개좋아하네
괭갈에는 세상에 존재할수있는 모든종류의 사랑이 담겨있다...

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