My submission to
I draw Cafe Camelot Paracelsus and a bunch of Merlin cats :3

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decided to post this here ik it won’t get any traction but might as well lol

wtfdym kama is a pseudo servant 🫠

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『♡』赤ちゃんアルジュナ 🐱❤️

とても美しい 😊

1 6
Well, its the year of the Rabbit, yada yada, so he is my contribution.

Here we have the Einzbern ladies sporting variants of the classic playboy bunny costume.

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『♡』ママと娘 🐱🐭


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『♡』カルジュナ x
Kimi no na wa💙❤️

使いたいなら自信を持って使いましょう 😊

3 9

『♡』 ❝ マスターのお気に入りは私です ❞ 🏹

2 11

『♡』真・女神転生 IV x FGO:
アルジュナ x クリシュナ ♀️

" Bole chudiyan, bole kangna ! ~" 🎶🎵🪷

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