

🇵🇸 #CeasefireNOW | Manjiro Mikey Sano Kinnie | Artist | 24 | He/Him | 🇰🇷 born 🇺🇸 citizen | Reposts: Literally just ask me.

フォロー数:450 フォロワー数:247

Happy !! I'm a transman who draws once in a blue moon when the stars align with the planets and--

I mostly post about my fish and other random stuff tbh

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An Elven Nymph wizard who was ostracized by their village for their research into taboo magic. Eventually they strike a deal with the matriarch of a distant queendom. In exchange for protection, the queen would allow Amaranth to continue their research (as long as it didn't harm

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Imma be real with you all, I gave up trying to shade in ibis paint lmao

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I mean that too
Old man yaoi

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Instructions unclear.

Only have thumb

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