ナツメ(ポケモン)のタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

1877 件


Psychic or Normal, specifically whatever Ilima and Sabrina exude. I'm still processing Remeraux

let me rotate her in my head for a bit longer

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-They both made bad decisions in their lives, with a backstory of family tragerdy
-Both had obsessions that embittered their lives
-Both missed their families at some point
-Both wanted to become stronger, for opposite reasons

and both look wholesome when they smile :)

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okay i'll admit i think shes boss but my favorite is sabrina

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I'm real big on there being a timeline in Pokemon and many characters come back with new looks and given their own agency with stories happening behind whatever your protagonists see.

The franchise could've keep everyone static but it adds that little bit more to the setting.

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サイキッカーの ナツメが 勝負を しかけてきた!

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13.Favorite gym leader/e4/champion in order: Sabrina, Rika, Cynthia. Reason is of course obvious, they're all girlbosses I love them

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Pinup calendar day 1: Sabrina from Pokemon Red & Blue. I'm doing a countdown until xmas doing pinups featuring Pokemon Trainers. I'll be posting these daily for the next 24 days so stay tuned ✌️

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13. Sabrinaaaaa! But my second fave is Erika

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I’m not the biggest fan of the ‘chibi’ art style in Pokemon LGP/E but I have to admit that actual character redesigns are fantastic

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13- Hijos de puta por donde empiezo
Eh... Lideres de gimnasio estos (no es mi culpa que la 5ta gen tenga a los mejores líderes de gimnasio)

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honorary mentions. sabrina gets credit for being nuts in the anime in particular

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Sabrina Commission
Thank you!

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question for people

which Sabrina is the best

FR/LG, Let's Go, RBYG or anime? replies pls

No, I'm not doing HGSS cause it's an insane change and I *love* her design here.

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1.容赦しない 善悪とかない 慇懃無礼令嬢 愛と憎しみが深い

2.ストイック クール 冷静 争いを好まない 優しい

3.(左端の小さい子)頑固な甘えん坊 あざとい 慈しみの人

4.(三次元だが好きなので)ガイキチ https://t.co/mL2EYLol0Z

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吸血姫美夕 冷羽
ポケモン(特にポケマス) ナツメ
聖☆おにいさん ガブリエル(一番左の小さい子)
最後のは三次元だけどキャラクターとして死ぬほど好きなんだ。 https://t.co/mL2EYLol0Z

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my Sabrina piece for the Pokemon Card collab ! https://t.co/eeb1T2F4of

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あとアイコン画像は頭が切れまくってるので読んでくれない(1枚めみたいなの)んだけど、ちょっと足す(2枚めみたいなの)と読んでくれたりする ので、下描きがある人は下描き利用してサイズ大きくしたらいいと思う どうせ顔まわりしか見ないので他は雑でいい

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First tweet ig. Heavily inspired by old PokeSprite edits.

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