嘉音(うみねこ)のタグが付いたイラスト。 5ページ目

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Ciel remind me of Kanon sometime so i wanted to draw that rkgitoiritti

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Oh fuck I might be into swagless little guys

6 24

Kanon is enjoying a Burger King chicken sandwich.

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Dr. Wily & Kanon are enjoying a package of Hatsune Miku HI-CHEW grape candy.

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이런 느낌으로 그릴건데
쓰름이나 괭갈 캐릭터 추천좀 해주세요
내일 야간할때 그려야지

6 23

Kanon is enjoying a tall glass of strawberry bubble tea!

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Kanon is enjoying an Arby's turkey gyro!

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Kanon is enjoying a can of Cranberry Canada Dry.

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Kanon is enjoying a bowl of steamed broccoli!

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This conversation being a "contest" between them feels odd...

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Kanon is enjoying a chocolate milkshake!

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9 23

Jessica performing for her birthday, feat a shy lil Kanon 😌

5 14

Many thoughts that I cannot articulate without mentioning spoilers...

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Kanon & Eclair Cookie are enjoying a whole slab of roast beef.

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I wanna draw in the old Higurashi/umineko sprite art style but shading cause me pain and wtf are clothing wrinkles

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Eda is enjoying a bowl of french fries! (Which was stolen from Kanon!)

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umineko spoilers//

i just realized the fact that jessica sang a song called pettan pettan tsurupettan (flat flat smooth and flat) to sayo while she was sitting in the audience 💀 that’s so hilariously ironic and sad 😭😭😭

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