AN-94のタグが付いたイラスト。 4ページ目

2340 件


OK very random I know nobody plays Girls Frontline but let me scream into the void IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN-94

Give the most popular girl in KR server an oath skin reeeee
Why does she only have two skins ヘ(゜^°;)ノ imma riot

0 2

I will still draw stuff after it releases

0 4


0 2

2023년 인기투표 우승자는 AN-94입니다!
최종 순위표는 링크에서 확인하세요!
The winner of the 2023 popularity vote is AN-94!
Check out the link for the ranking of other T-dolls!

49 259

투표 시작 14시간이 지났습니다.
지금 총 320명이 투표했습니다.
It's been 14 hours since the vote started.
A total of 320 people voted now.

투표 링크

9 56

인기투표 D-DAY!
지금부터 3월 6일 오전 1시까지 진행!
The popularity vote starts!
From now until March 6th at 1am! (KST)

30 150

Am I going to trashtalk a popular ship of some android girls gacha game? Yes I will ok

Left: AK-15 x AN-94; Mutual respect, actually go along well, nice
Right: AK-12 x AN-94; 94 is programmed to cling to 12. 12 finds her useful at best.
And gamers decided they're in love, cringe

0 2

Girls' Frontline

2. M4A1
3. AN-94
4. AK-15

0 0


6 15

you guys have zero idea what unspeakable things id let AN-94 (no, some girl dressed as AN-94 does not count) do to me im being completely fucking honest dude there is no hope for me its so fucking over dude there is actually zero hope for me

11 123


6 23


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