This is humilliating...

924 15796


48 169

Art Feature: Millia, by !

Prints (4x5" for $13, 8x10" for $20, 12x16" for $25):
Digital highres image (join $5 tier or above, includes all past work, contains NSFW content):

5 23

Just wanna review 3 - Maximillian type
I rarely draw because it's really complicated, and the curve is quite hard to catch. my solution to make them feminine was no choice but turn the cuirass into boobplates. I think D'arce is still my best drawn Maximillian type.

btw it's…

263 2823

Just wanna review 3 - Maximillian type
I rarely draw because it's really complicated, and the curve is quite hard to catch. my solution to make them feminine was no choice but turn the cuirass into boobplates. I think D'arce is still my best drawn Maximillian type.

btw it's…

7 33

Art Feature: Millia Rage, by !

Prints (11x19" for $15):

17 146

Good night travelers! I'm looking for a new kawanbabu to fill up my timeline, anyways sender is a huge heizou stan jadi akunnya sering bahas heizou hehe~ ketik hmu jika ingin berteman dan semoga yang ketik hmu besok ketimpahan uang 1 milliar ^____^

(Ps: proshipper, (cont..)

0 3

I was gonna have Gio and Millia doin the slam poetry but, but I got lazy. Maybe I’ll finish later

1 40

100 Days Fighting Game Challenge
Day 6 : June Lin Milliam & Ele (Plasma Sword or Star Gladiator)⭐

9 29

Millia but Cammy outfit 🤷‍♂️

1554 8019

レミリアお嬢様 / 油絵

Remillia Scarlet

269 1193

while guilty gear is on the mind imma repost this millia too. this is one of my favorite drawings ive ever done

70 489

haven't been posting art stuff but here are commissions by
and Zamillia. Thank you for commission me >w</

0 4

Repping the Yurikord (on the armband!!!) we have none other than 's high speed Millia coming through looking stylish as ever!

Bad Moon, H Disc, Kapel et al match the hair and look super clean

5 20