

Oh hi there check my Instagram acc to see more of my art stuffs:) im not really active here but maybe i will keep this acc alive|| Instagram: @o.reogeprek

フォロー数:37 フォロワー数:11

Hi im sylavenia (just using this username bc i liked it) but actually just suppose myself as reo anyway. Oh and yes i draw bois more than girls but okay with anime style (???) Idk but okay

For more arts please check my Instagram account @/o.reogeprek

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Joining ._ (Instagram) 's DTIYS uwu)

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Detailed (???) version ╮(╯-╰”)╭

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New OC (i haven't decide his name yet) :p

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Aghu habis keluar masuk keluar masuk, sekarang saatnya kembali ╮(╯-╰”)╭dahlah

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