

, 💚@ky0_kyu my beloved bf‹3
, matching with @molweed

フォロー数:40 フォロワー数:203

four years of hell :333 HAPPY ANNIVERSARY BOOBOO BEAR

3 11

strangled red wouldve ended quicker if Mike had a gun me thinks

140 630

RAHHH ur AIs are so cool I needeb to draw them…. :33

38 150

glitchy red from the balls up

1 11

molly wanted me to draw these.

29 102

guyysy look it’s glitchy red from from from from from fro

33 142

This behaviour isn’t okay we need to annihilate him immediately

1 27

I luvv creepy doe sso I felt obligated to edit him into the couch scene…!! (second is the OG image ,all art belongs to @/mortisfox !!!!)

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