

Watercolor painter ⛔️NO DM ⛔️I hope those who can greetings and fun conversation.
It may be delayed reply so busy (^_-)…

フォロー数:612 フォロワー数:7968

Good morning to all friends.
It`s October from today.
It`s the most comfortable season of the year.
I hope that it will happy October of everyone.
Good day.(^_-)-☆

137 315

Hi to all friends.
I`m going to deliver the picture to the customer from now on.
See you later.👋👋
I`ll be back in about an hour.

135 337

Good morning to all friends.
I worked from yesterday to morning so I`m going to sleep a little.
Have a nice night and a niceday.

150 410

Hi to all friends.
The photo on the right is a repost.
I hope everyone has a nice Saturday.

318 863

Good mornibgto all friends.
Have a nice day today.

199 456

Good morning to all friends.
Everyone, have a nice Wednesday today.

211 525

Good morning to all friends.
Autumn is approaching little by little.
Have a happy Tuesday to all.

150 390

Good morning to all friends.
Happy Monday.

150 401

Good morning to allfriends.
Even healthy nice day to day.
good day.(^^)/

143 312

Good morning to all friends.
Today is home service day.
I am looking forward to seeing you again tomorrow.
See you.👋👋😄

115 272