

Sub-account of @039_erik- used for talking about any of my thousand cute interests
Will be chatting non-stop about cute and lovely anime!

フォロー数:206 フォロワー数:598

My favourite is Oyuki-chan! Such amazing personality♥

1 5

Waccha-Primagi, it's not only a super cool anime..
but also an impressive arcade card game and a spectacular character show!

0 3

My new 2d girlfriend ( ⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎ )

0 1

No spoilers, or else the Black Beauty Sisters will sing for you...

5 12

It's very detailed and cute, but the colours feel slightly.. muffled? Just my thoughts..

2 13

Always remaining the pinnacle of design

2 8

images looks so colourful~

4 7