


フォロー数:10 フォロワー数:83

I am getting so sick of cough medicine...

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畫自己熟既野 = 覺得自己唔長進.
畫唔擅長既野(學習過程開心但興趣0) = 唔滿意結果.
永遠既矛盾. 快D比我靈光一閃頓悟啦.

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Just suddenly feel like painting the old way I used to paint.( ´_ゝ`)

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Getting ready to make the last munny for my desktop squad...( ´_ゝ`)9

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Just suddenly feel like mixing a bunch of color together.

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And then I need sth cute to balance out...

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喵的! 我就是想要畫個華而不實的蘿蔔!

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Day 20 !!! I almost give up coz of all the 擬人題.xd

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Day 17 滿天星

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