

I'm Non-Binary and Pansexual | on the spectrum / autism | They / Them | 23 | #BLM
Fuck NFTs

フォロー数:659 フォロワー数:157

Selling Rapa for $10.00 USD

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I've always wanted to make one of these!
So, I've made a few designs I want to sell, reply to this tweet or PM me!
{All of this is traditional art!}

1. $15.00
2. $15.00
3. $10.00
4. $10.00
5. $15.00
6. $15.00

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So, I was looking at TAZ stuff on Etsy and just DND stuff in general since Imma turn a tote into a purse. I found two artists. One by the name of and the other AceofPancakes!
I love both of their art and can't wait to put all of these on the bag!

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favorite shiny, look at that blue color palate!


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but like ok
2018 {first initial idea}
2018 {full body idea}
2019 {ms paint testing}
2020 {now}

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Thank you for the opportunity!

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These are absolutely adorable!
Do you take tips or any sort of payment?

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I found some old doodles of my Space Sona, Melony, Imma doodle them again.
It used to be a tradition to draw them at least once per year, then I just stopped drawing for a while.

I learned how to use Illustrator and photoshop with this character XD

{Oldest first}

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