

I guess I'm a AWA-fan account
Also on cohost!…
And bluesky too……

フォロー数:30 フォロワー数:1434

Remember then these three complained about not getting any screentime in an issue?
I'm a little surprised that this is the only time the fourth wall has been broken like this in AWA, at least as far as I know, maybe there has been another time and I'm just not remembering it?

2 8

I would say that it is pretty likely that Val already quite the experience then it comes to yoga, though I don't know if she is willing to teach others some yoga or if she would end up too distracted by the mirrors in the studio😆

3 15

I wanted to make a joke about how Ellie and Clarissa have both cute hats, but then I realized that they have pretty different looking hats (I remembered both hats looking a lot more similar), then again, I was able to bring up Clarissa without any real reason, so that's that haha

1 10

I wonder if this is still accurate and where Megan, Natalie and Lorraine would be placed (the same goes for the size of their behind as well as their general height)🤔

3 28

Isn't it interesting what kinds of phones the characters in AWA use? Probably not, I just thought it's interesting how Sarah is the only one using a flip phone while Ariel's phone looks like it's from the current generation of phones.

1 27

With the aliens having realized how effective a single human can be in taking out their fleet, they decided to shrink down the population of the nearby area so that the most dangerous human can take out her own kind

26 124

While Sarah, Mary-Jean and Val set up their Thanksgiving dinner (while also having a quick snack), a couple of tinies manage to find themselves on the turkey, let's hope they are found by Sarah before getting eaten...

5 38

Am I the only one who gets curios about what news are being reported on or what movie/show Mary-Jean and Val are/were watching in A Weekend Alone?

3 39

In a last-ditch attempt to fight the giant creatures that has taken down so many ships of the alien fleet, they try enlarge their soldiers to fight against this powerful enemy, but they made a mistake and their enemy is the one getting enlarged!

22 118

I don't know about you, but I kinda like this striped version that I made during the creation of the main edit, though I agree that purple does fit her a lot better. Also, have a version there Clarissa just has glasses added to her😊

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