

~King Hyena in a land of scavengers~ ~The Boy named Crow~

フォロー数:1232 フォロワー数:551

Helter Skelter and his brother Skelter Helter. Pulling from Sepiroth and Cloud respectively.

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Fucking No More Heroes 3 is gonna be about Kamen Rider heroes/tokusatsu monsters

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Yeah I really like how it shows off a little bit of everyone's personality and the chemistry they have between each other

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Can't wait for Stone Ocean to come out so we can finally see the best girl animated

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Can't forget official Jojo's art on album covers
-Pat Metheny Group
-Savage Garden

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No, Josuke. This is not the time to be ordering pizza.

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I'm gonna kill the time-travelling guy that stole my dad's body by using a cat that turned into a houseplant that shoots bubbles

5 8

11 year old with a box cutter? Where's this child's fath...Oh wait...

8 20

I wish someone were to compile all of the closeup shots of part 4.

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