

Fintech-quant-dev for over a decade. Veefriend, on-Chain since #gm. Touch grass on tuesdays.

フォロー数:57 フォロワー数:2501
# web2 bff

Frightful words...thats a non-starter for me friend.

I VOWED that only 1 great great grandchild of mine shall be willed the seedphrase and posess the ability to ascend my sacred ronin;
at the end once s/he has stood the test of time.

If all else fails this will be my legacy.

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my family name does not yet have the honor to perform such a ritual. Perhaps, my grandchild, will one day be worthy of it.

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Please send me the technodrome nft. Thanks🐢

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I'm now in love with my og art...but I can tell that some of the love parade is going to speak to mu soul.

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That's soo hott.

loves all of them🕶😎
Are you and already s?

I know you belong with us

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