

MD🩺 Assoc. Professor of Medicine II Researcher || Co-founder @alphacallx #DeSci

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Ruglabz ecosystem is growing.
We have launch our token which is online right now.
After the og collection minted out we planned the 3D collection and after the token release it is on the way
Here is the token link:

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1000 nft we reserved for the trading facility and it is almost done, hurry up and send your rugged nfts. So you can trade Rugdollz to your worthless rugged nfts.
Lots of utilities on the way

Join us!!!!

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We had an adventure of 1 month. I am proud to inform you that we are SOLDOUT,i wanna thanks to our precious community, without their support we could’nt do it. We are strong together.
This is just a beginning!!!!

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Our first phase is over, thanks everyone for 1900 mints and now phase 2 minting is online.After phase 2, we are going to open the rugdollz&rugged nfts trade facility for free to rugdollz holders.Come and join us

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can and help us to fight against the rugs

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Winter is coming, and the Night King is ready for minting. We are waiting for you on 31st October.

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I strongly recommend you to take a look at our project.Our aim is to enable people to reach the level of knowledge that can protect themselves. Our work is to add value to the nft field.join us


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