

| srank pvper
| @PrimapesDAO

フォロー数:657 フォロワー数:6728

Picked up this earlier today, hyped af! Tryna stack them $CREDS babyyyyy. PASSIVE INCOME and DystoPunks VX versions for Sandbox SOON.

8 34

Big on passive incoming from holding NFTs. Plus big metaverse plans, had to grab a . Remember looking at them when they were a .1 floor. Bought one at .19, sold at .35. Even got a free one from a giveaway. Holding onto this one til infinity.🤝

3 20

Check out - great art, minting is still live! Only around ~3k minted out of 10k.

1 7

Projects with shady pea brain devs continue to sell out while is still at 3k/10k minted.

24 78

This . Can’t wait for everything they got planned. 👌🏽

1 5

Had to scoop myself a Vegeta suit after his last announcement. "Most" of the current traits being retired as they migrate to a smart contract with random minting drop coming soon! On the look out for a cheap Goku suit 👀

4 17

Anyone new to NFT’s should definitely take a look at . So much potential and the art is fuego 🔥

3 15

Just joined the gang! Wheres there at?

22 156