

yattasexual incel-nv25-♍🐯 A #nanbaka #ナンバカ M #fma #Dorohedoro O #jenshinimpact N #honkai #shitpost G #art U #simp 🐉@/SUicidehomunculus pronouns: illo/illo ۞

フォロー数:4805 フォロワー数:1654

Vultur volans, who is the falcon Aquila already is in the game, to why he isnt confirmed to be Istaroth is the question, as well as Baal is Ei

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We know this trio of demons, and thanks of one of them we can have an idea of what trio of characters belongs

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his eyes are red like a male Cuckoo's but his constellation is from another bird, probably because cuckoos are accepted by other birds as one of their own

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The voice that speaks to us in this quest refers to himself as a sinner, he is surrounded by blind statues and is hanging upside down, he promises to cry for the traveler... the huge blind statue in Enkanomiya located in the heart of the serpent is accompanied by a huge snake

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Moriai/Graeae also appears in Dante's Inferno

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the Aeon of Nihilism could be the artificial Adam of the stigma project, it is an Aeon that is not related to the rest because it does not rule over the Honkai, it is a god that lacks Honkai, it is the nothing itself, it is the god of the sea of ​​Quanta

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No correlation no vibes no nothing, just two braincells without any conection and no sense that together extrapolate to me to relate to them into dont make me as a being work at all because Im these two idiots in one, they are my last two braincells malfunctioning

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