

she/Korea/I'm not good at English!😔
Art uploaded irregularly
🚫Do not use art🚫
그림 불규칙하게 올림,답장확인 느립니다!

フォロー数:708 フォロワー数:1996

I'm thinking about the design of the titan...
I'll have to roll my head a bit more to make him look threatening and strong...🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

0 7

이장면 다시봐도 신기하고 너무좋아...

0 10

"hey hank....
your body will be destroyed .😈"

24 217

폰으로 보니깐 색감너무진해서 수정...

1 9

lily remake
릴리리메이크 리메이크 하면서 몇가지 세부사항,의상을 손봤습니다

2 12

My birthday...
오늘 생일이지만 다리도 다치고 아무도 축하해 주지 않을거 같아서 올해생일은 별로 그렇게 기쁘지는 않네🙁

2 25

I had a problem with my condition, so it took a lot of time to draw the line...😢
I want to post a Hank that's completed in a cool way...

0 5

I am trying to draw carefully.
I think it will be complete if I add things to the background and refine it a bit!

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