

Soul adrift the endless plains. I am the 13thprotector, the souls will flow through that deep void and I am here as named.

Till then I'm gonna talk on Twitter

フォロー数:3587 フォロワー数:599

You seen any of the other blue haired detective girls?

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Huzzah, a floofy thief, Keo

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Doesn't help me to see that despite my politeness towards others, Im called evil for having even the slightest of differing opinion than them.

Such actions only make my opinion of their tribe more negative.

Such is the way of life.

My only wish is we can learn to live again

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Heck. Id love to see war stories of the Mandalorian Wars. Even bring back classic guys like Zayne Carrick and tell his stories from when a cabal of Jedi Seers hellbent to stop the Sith from returning, killed his fellow Palawans and led him on the life of a Fugitive

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Happy birthday, my friend. I was unsure what to draw, so here's Bulldog in a hoodie. Hope you enjoy it.

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I had an old fanfiction that never really went anywhere, but it involved the growth of the Shadow Ops and an eventual worldwide pandemic involving Persona Users fighting and even a Shadow Ops member who would turncoat. I have more pics, but 4 are fine for now.

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Sally is pretty affectionate towards others. Hope you enjoy this pic of her and Bulldog together

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While I was trying to figure out how the pic of Sally and Bulldog should look for I figured I'd toss Sally in with the Tactics Academy created by

I'll be getting another pic done soon too

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